Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ulrik Munther has gathered some serious forces on his upcoming album "Rooftop" which is going to be released on March 6th - Erik Hassle, Christian Waltz and Andreas Mattsson helped him with songs and we can already get a sneak peek of one track - "Requiem". Just like in "San Francisco Says Hello" you definitely feel the growth of Ulrik's sound, it's still his special American radio-pop direction but more dramatic and epic (darker version of "Fool"?). This Saturday Ulrik performs at Melodifestivalen stage with the song "Tell the world I’m here" and in a current moment along with Yohio he's the biggest favorite of the competition. Already tomorrow we'll be able to check the snippet of his rehearsal and see if Ulrik's gonna meet all expectations.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday..Poor Sunday....

50 Best New Season Dresses Spring Summer 2013 | Fashion Pictures | Marie Claire

50 Best New Season Dresses Spring Summer 2013 | Fashion Pictures | Marie Claire

Aaawwwww....So Cute!!!!

Playing with fire by Darin....just amazing!

I love this performance!!!
What A Day........

An epic pic of an even more epic lady...Adele

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Now all I have to do is find a job that combines books,languages, some creativity,some people skills,some technical stuff from what I'm studying and lots of coffee and music....And that ladies and gentlemen is my DreamJob....Not so hard to find ,right??
And yes it's official....My new obsession is......translating...I really love it...


Nästa vecka åker vi till Malmö !!!!!...Jag väntar på Ulrik Munther!!!!..Army of Lovers ska sjunga också!!..
Best Picture from World Press 2012 taken by the swedish photographer Paul Hansen..

Hoping for a brand New Day

State of Drama with Falling {Melodi No7 för svenskarna}

State of Drama till Finalen i Melodifestivalen 2013 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
State of Drama straight to the Final in Stockholm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Put your favorite dress on girl, 
                                   cause I'm gonna rock your world
                                   There´s a place where you never have been before
                                   Looking at the moon outside, 
                                   It's getting pretty bright tonight
                                   Feel the beat of my heart, 
                                   cause I´m falling down, yeah, yeah

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