Infinite Possibilities by Lisa Renee Jones
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
If I say that I was waiting on fire for this book, it would be an understatement.
I was very lucky to receive an arc of the first book of The Secret Life Of Amy Bensen : Escaping Reality..And I loved it!!..I have reread it countless times and over the months between the 2 books, I cannot tell you how many times I imagined myself reading the second book..All the Infinite Possibilities about Liam and Amy’s past..
Infinite Possibilities is AMAZING!!!!
It answered many questions we had..It created even more throughout the book and the ending threw me for a loop..And once more we wait..
No matter how much I hate waiting for the sequels, I can’t help but think that these months I spent waiting were worth it..Absolutely!
It has it all…Mystery..Romance..Erotica..Hotness and Love..Answers and Questions..Sadness and Joy..Closure on the one hand and missing something (someone) on the other hand..
>>Amy showed us who she really is in this book..We saw her awakening..We saw her wanting and fighting for her life..for the truth..For Liam..For herself..For the people she loves..Something that Liam said stuck with me..He said something like this :” I don’t care what your name is..I know I love you “..You see, names and DNA aren’t important..The soul, the heart, the character..They are the ones who matter..They are the ones who inspire love..They are the ones that are loved by someone..
And in this book, I feel that we saw Amy..
But we also saw Liam!
>>In the first book, Liam may have seemed as mysterious..We weren’t sure how much we could trust him..In this book, Oh My!..We saw him like never before..His persistence..His love more than anything..His devotion..
If I had to use one phrase to describe him, it would be hopelessly and utterly devoted to Amy !!
And I feel in love with him once more..
The Secret Life of Amy Bensen is one the greatest series out there..It’s addictive. It’s hot. It’s loving.
It has it all
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Take Me Home for Christmas by Brenda Novak
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Given by the publisher for an honest review
I would like to start with this statement:
“I just finished the book, literally few minutes ago…And I’m still reeling and feeling more than overwhelmed!”
Judging by the title, someone would expect a sweet novel about 2 people falling in love etc..Generally, you would expect a fairytale. In reality, it was nothing but that..
Take me home for Christmas is simply outstanding. There are no other words to describe this novel..It is intense and emotional..It speaks to your heart…..Brenda Novak’s writing is impeccable! I could literally feel the pain, the despair and all the emotions that plagued the characters..Needless to say that I read the book within 2 hours..No break whatsoever..I may have left a dent on my bed, since I didn’t move an inch!
I knew that Brenda is a great author and the story seemed solid..But even now, I feel tears in my eyes just by thinking what Sophia went through, how she handled everything..Take me home for Christmas left me very emotional…It’s ludicrous how good this novel is..
>>Sophia is such a misunderstood person. She’s had a hard life and she hid it from everybody..No one knew her personal hell, because she didn’t let it..Until now, I couldn’t justify alcoholism as a coping mechanism..Now I have to say I understand..Living like that..Hearing all those things..Yes she had money but she didn’t have her life..She only had her daughter..One mistake almost destroyed her life..
Oh my..I’m trying to write sentences that actually make sense. But it’s getting all the more difficult..Books often affect me deeply..More deeply than it should, sometimes..But this book really took me by surprise..Even now I cannot believe how hard it is to write things that actually make sense, because my mind is still stuck in Sophia and Lex and Ted and Skip and their little town..
>>Ted is such a sweetheart..Don’t let his first comments fool you..Even though it’s crystal clear that he is an honorable man..Honorable but hurt..I love what he stands for! A person who falls in love only once..A man who has ever loved one woman..
You know what?..I’m giving up on trying to come up with sane sentences..I’m closing this up, going back to my book and reread it..
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Trouble Comes Knocking by Mary Duncanson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Given by the publisher for an honest review
Trouble Comes Knocking is smart,mysterious and outrageously addictive!!
>>Lucy is an annoyingly intelligent woman with the kindest heart there is..Yes she is a know-it-all,but she kinda does knows it all..She has a special gift,but she doesn't consider herself special.."I'm just me" is what she said..She is a truly unique person with an intense personality and a keen mind..She is selfless and puts herself on the line for those she cares about,her friends and even people she doesn't know that well..She puts herself out there in an admirable way that may be referred to by some as naive or childish.But I see her a courageous young lady who speaks the truth and calls it the way it is..
The consequences matter to her,but they won't stop her from doing the right thing..Hence,she found a way to be herself in the middle of a series of destructions..
And like most women,she is completely blind to men's reactions..I mean,it was utterly obvious that poor Eli had feelings for her,even though he didn't want to or shouldn't..How could she not see it?The answer is the woman-blindness..It was really fun to read when she finally got it!
>>Eli had us get hot and cold showers at some points..When he gave into her,it was like an explosion of firewords..But when he took off to the opposite direction, it was like "Umm What just happened?"..He is really a very straightforward guy,most of the time..Whenever he isn't,it's probably because you'll see Lucy around him!..He is very reliable and someone you can count on..
He may hold his career very high(you'll know what I mean when you read it!),but it is completely understandable..
Plus, if the book ended in a different manner, we wouldn't be begging for a sequel now,would we?
Trouble Comes Knocking is a smart,funny full of romantance,mystery and adventures!!
It's like Nancy Drew but a million times better!!
You can't go wrong with buying this book.I promise!
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Yours to Keep by Serena Bell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Given by the publisher for an honest review
Yours to Keep is such a wonderful sweet story!It's probably one of the sweetest stories I have ever read!!
It's a true romance!
>>Ana has been through so much..She keeps trying to help her family but also build a life for herself.She tries to become someone better someone bigger..She wants what everyone wants. A Life. Love. A Future. She wants to matter and not to be ignored or be put aside..But we don't always get what we,do we? That's what it feels like to Ana..She keeps trying and working hard,but she doesn't see the light..She doesn't see a happy future,no matter how much she hopes..Until Ethan..
>>Ethan is such a beautiful character. He is a single dad,who wants to be a present father.But his son doesn't make it easy..Then again,what teenager does?!..He is a kind man,who has been hurt in the past. I cannot imagine how a man,who lost his wife, keeps going on,while raising his son alone..Incidents like that are so..I can't comprehend the difficulties that person has to overcome..Unimaginable..Regarding love, Ethan is like Ana.He doesn't see it happening to him again.He doesn't believe in it any more. Until he meets Ana,who rises so strong emotions within him.He wants to protect her,to love her,to hold her,to make her want him as much as he wants her..
Because he is hers. And he wants her to be his.
It' so very beautiful!! I can't help but smile,every time I think about this book..
For all of you who love Romance,this is a Must-Read!
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Trusting You by L.P. Dover
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Given by the publisher for an honest review
Wow..That's the perfect word to describe this Trusting you..
It's unbelievably smart and undoubtedly hot..It has the perfect pace..We see the characters grow through the pages and we get to watch their relationship evolve into their Forever..We also get to know our 2 main characters as people but as a couple,too..
Trusting you had me keep my face within a breath's distance from my monitor.. I was literally panting to read the next scene..I was so engrossed that nothing else mattered..
I've read many good 5-star books recently that are indeed excellent..But this one is special..It had me reeling in such an intense way that it's hard to explain..I'll just say this : While I was reading it,I kept having 2 thoughts : "Oh my what is going to happen now?!" and "How lucky I am to be reading it"..I think that says it all..
>>Melissa is such a strong woman..She doesn't bow to anyone..She keeps going no matter what anyone throws at her..She is a survivor..She is truly a force of nature..A True Firecracker..A real friend and definitely a great character..
After what Daniel did to her(at first),Melissa didn't lose herself and din't wallow into self-pity..She stood on her own two feet and walked away with her head held high..Of course,her opinion about the other sex was not very high but oh well that happens to every one of us (No offense guys!)..
And then she meets Brett..God I love that guy..It takes a special man,after all, to handle a woman like Melissa..
>>Brett is my new favorite male lead character..I adore him..He was the perfect man without being too good to be true..He was sweet and thoughtful;yet he was sexy as hell and had an OMG stamina and creativity on the um...oh you know where...Like I said,the perfect man..He had the possessiveness we all crave for,but it wasn't over the top..Most importantly,he didn't change Melissa at all..He just let her fears melt away..
Brett had his own scars and of course they have shaped him into the man he is..He has a very strong moral code,but he is no prude..He knows which lines to cross which to let go..I love it when the man understands the woman so well..And especially when he can read her emotions so perfectly and to the point..
A Real Firecracker Meets A Perfect Man..When the girl meets her match..
Romantic but Hot.Entertaining but full of suspense.
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Book: Forgiven
Author: Rebecca Brooke
Genre: Romance/Contemporary/Young Adult/Academic/College
Publication Date: August 10th,2013
What happens when one moment changes the course of your entire life? Do you sit back and accept it, or fight to live the life you choose? Caleb Jacobs has a past that has haunted him for two years. Knowing he can never forgive himself for the events that led to his departure, Caleb chooses to live a quiet life—concentrating on school, sports, and shots. But when he is paired with Angie for a history project he realizes that no matter how much you try to hide from your past, one way or another it will find you.
Angelina Powers knows what she wants from life. Growing up with only an alcoholic father for company, Angie learned early on in life that you can only count on yourself. But that doesn’t stop her wishing for her white knight. She’s confident, happy and focused…until she meets Caleb. So how will she feel when her potential white knight turns out to be more of a black shadow?
My Review:
It was AMAZING!! I loved it! It became one of my favorite books of all time!
In fact, I read it twice in 2 days! Yeah it is that addictive!!
I loved it from the first page to the very last..I adored Angie and I fell hard for Caleb..One of the best couples…Plus, I really loved the 2 points of view..Both of them are equally amazing! As you know writing both POVs is very tricky and almost always the one will be better than the other..In this case, both are brilliant and I strongly believe this is one of Rebecca’s biggest accomplishments (regarding Forgiven)!
I guarantee you will fall in love with both main characters, as well as the rest of the cast…Yepp I cannot stop praising this book and the author!!
>>Angie had such a hard life. Having one parent leave you and then the other turning into a drunk darkened her soul. It shattered her self-confidence and her self-esteem. Parents are the ones who are supposed to love you unconditionally. So if they don’t, you start wondering what is wrong with you, when in reality there’s something seriously wrong with them. Angie was so lucky she met Emily so fast in campus, because she really needed her support. As you’ll see while reading the book, Angie is quite adorable. Everyone likes her and no one has a bad thing to say about her. She is hot, sweet, a good friend, smart and funny. I really admire her spirit! In fact, I loved everything about her..Perhaps, it’s because she reminds me of me so much..Nah I’m kidding..She is an incredible young woman and a great role model. And I loved the way she handled Caleb. Oh I keep thinking some certain scenes that may involve someone been thrown over someone’s shoulder and get carried to someone’s bedroom…Vague enough?..
Angie is the woman you wish to be, the woman you wish to have and the person you wish to have in your life..
>>Caleb made lots of mistakes along the way.. And when he finally got the stick out of his ass, he was falling down against the same path yet again later..As I’ve claimed before, guilt I such a powerful emotion. The lack of it leaves you a person without humanity, while its intense presence can break you in half and never let you be whole again. Caleb let that guilt eat him alive. Until Angie and someone’s interference. When that interference happened, I want to thank and kiss that person a thousand times.. It was so sad when fell out of the wagon, but don’t get your guns out of your closet –It’s pretty obvious that something else is going on and yes you will be biting your nails until you figure out what!!
In conclusion, there is not a thing I would change about Forgiven. I adore it!
Brilliant & One of a kind!! It will leave you breathless and hungry for more..
And fortunately for us, Rebecca Brooke is currently writing the next book Redemption about Josh (I love that guy!) and Lauren!! I hope Angie and Caleb are featured..
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Covert Assignment by Missy Marciassa
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Given by the author for an honest review
Covert Assignment was AMAZING!!!
I was 1000% addicted to Elle,Preston,CIA and all the mystery and espionage surrounding them from the very first page!!!
I remember being half way through the book and thinking "God,please tell me that there's a next book coming up..It's too good to end in only one book!"..And after I finished it,I contacted the author Missy..She's really great by the way..Anyhow..She told me there are 2 more books..I literally jumped up and down from glee..
And that was my happy playful journey of reading it..
>>Elle is really a great person..She may not appear very assertive...But she IS fiery..She's stubborn,persistent,intelligent and pretty damn funny..She takes people seriously..She thinks before she acts and takes every variable into consideration!..I found myself relating to her very much,I admit..I'm an overthinker just like her..But when we decide on a course of action,when we know what we want,when we know what's the best choice for us..We just go for it!..
And if it weren't obvious,I clearly state that I adore Elle!
>>Preston..mmm..He's the mysterious CIA operative..And Hot of course..He knows the perfect thing to say..He pretty much seems like the perfect man..He may have some commitment issues..And he certainly has secrets..We shall see in the next book!!(and yes I'm grinning as I write that)...
>>Now about the rest of the characters..I can't say that they made a good impression on me,regarding their personalities..Her friends didn't seem to me like very good friends..Her ex is a jerk..Her family is weird,good weird I think..They have their moments..
I really liked Elle's advisor at the university..He seemed very admirable,intelligent,kind and he certainly loved Elle as his own daughter..
In conclusion,Go and Buy this book!!!It's amazing!
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Trust in Me by J. Lynn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Another book of my long WaitingOnFire List can be crossed!
Wait for you #1 is one of my favorite books of all time and J.Lynn is one of my favorite authors,either she writes romance or fantasy..
All of us,who have read and adored Avery and Cam, we have been waiting for so long for this book..And it was everything we wished it to be!
We read already known scenes from Cam's point of view..We see how he thinks..And most importantly we feel how he feels..We can practically feel his happiness,when he's happy with Avery..But we can also feel how sad and lost he was,when they were apart..We felt Cam's love for Avery straight through our bones!
Plus,we had the pleasure of reading new scenes of Cam!!I love that guy!..It was a very nice surprise,although I did kinda waited for that to happen..It was simply beautiful!!
J.Lynn accomplished to empower and beautify their story even more..She completed her masterpiece..
It was a book worth waiting for...
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Given by the publisher for an honest review
It was amazing!!
It's fast,adventurous and full of hot and fun scenes!!!
It couldn't be any better!!
>>Nicola is fearless..I adored her!!I really enjoyed her 2 somewhat different sides..When she was alone with Cash,she was the sweet girl,who melts into her man..Of course,she gives him hell,when he deserves it..Just like an ordinary girlfriend or a woman in a complicated relationship..But,when she is out on the field,she tranforms into a fearless stealthy I-can-kill-you-with-a-look woman...She is incredible!
>>Cash changed,after Nic's supposed death..He focused on his training and on his job,while sleeping with any woman who wanted to sleep with him..After Nic arrives,he changes back to the man he was,when he was with Nicola 10years ago..The man who loved her and wanted her to be his forever everything..
There were a lot of priceless moments in this book...And most of them include some serious ass-kicking..Maybe a scene or 2 with Jackson,who seriously had a loose screw in head..Definitely when they saw each other for the first time after 10 years..Surely,the morning after their first night together...mmm...
So many wonderful moments...I have to admit that sometimes I felt like something was missing in the description of events..Like something was forgotten and omitted...But,that certainly didn't change the fact this book is
It's a must read,if you enjoy James Bond-ish novels with hot men and women kicking ass..
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