Monday, September 21, 2015


Once Upon a Power PlayOnce Upon a Power Play by Jennifer Bonds
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a spectacular book this was!!

It’s funny, sexy, sweet, etc. It makes your heart beat faster and at the same time, laugh like there is no tomorrow!

There are so many things I loved about this book!

First of all, I haven’t read a better beginning of a novel in a very long time. It just draws your attention like nothing else matters other than this book. The suspense, the humor, the banter, oh my God…

Second of all, the characters...But most of all, their chemistry. They push each other’s limits, they challenge each other, they bring the better version of themselves when they’re together. It was amazing!

I seriously and honestly adored their relationship and its evolution.

Chloe didn’t want a commitment for various reasons, and I can’t say that I blame her based on what she had to face. But Ryan decided he wanted more. And here comes the part I really, really liked. There was no macho, overbearing “I say we’re together, the girl accepts it, and game over”. They had a conversation -brief- and Ryan simply spoke the truth, his truth. And Chloe accepted it, because she accepted him, them together. They showed emotion and maturity that I don’t see very often. Their relationship evolved so realistically, so beautifully, so effortlessly that it made the book so much greater.

This book is about a true, real romance born in fairytale world and raised in the real one.

There is nothing I would change, nothing more I could have wished for. In fact, it surpassed any expectations I had about this.

I strongly recommend this book. Humor. Romance. Heat. Drama. Betrayal. Emotion. Once upon a Power Play has it all, and I feel very proud to present you this amazing novel.

Once upon a Power Play by Jennifer Bonds receives 5 Amazing Stars, because it is fantastic and truly magnificent!!

View all my reviews

The book is currently available for Pre-Order on Amazon!!
I received it as an ARC from the publisher!


Lost in TennesseeLost in Tennessee by Anita DeVito
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lost in Tennessee quickly became one of my favorite books of all time. I was about 30% in it, and I already knew this was a 10 Star novel, and it never failed me.

The story drew from the first page, while the last one had me begging for more.

It’s also the debut of the author, which only elevates my amazement. The author has endless talent, and I am looking forward to reading more from her, and needless to say, more books in this series.

Lost in Tennessee has exceptional characters, amusing as hell dialogues, witty humor, and above all, a unique storyline.

Kate is such a strong woman. She pushes forward, she withdraws. She makes mistakes, she owns up to them. She gets screwed over, better be safe. She loves with a fierce passion, and she evokes the same from everyone who knows her, whether it is on a romantic, friendly, or professional level. She is literally the perfect woman, not because she isn’t imperfect. But because she is the perfect heroine and the perfect representation of the modern woman from her inner conflicts, family issues, to work and relationships.

I absolutely adored Kate!!

Butch...Oh, my. He is an amazing character for so many reasons. First of all, he is not the typical manwhore, which was a surprise and a huge positive one. He has a big heart and is always willing to help others. He is successful, yes, but doesn’t flaunt it. He is rich but again, he isn’t a show-off. Butch as a character surpassed my expectations; he actually incinerated them.

I fell and felt for Butch from the very first moment, and there’s no woman out there who will not adore him!!

Oh, the humor. Kate and Tom were outrageously funny together. They have that banter that you keep on rereading all the time, because you can’t get enough. But, then again, Kate is spectacular and has this way that...NO. I’m not saying anything more. You must grab the book and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

Like I said, above all, Lost in Tennessee has a unique storyline. It is more than a girl gets lost, meets the music star, they fall in love and have crazy sex all the time. The author lets us see the evolution of their relationship. From strangers, to friends who begin to see each other differently. I LOVED THAT!! Yes, there are steamy scenes, but the book is so much more than that. We watch their journey thrive on amazing writing and quality. There is nothing better and more satisfying than seeing that journey, and this one was exceptional.

I have no words to describe to you how much I loved this book. It has everything I crave and everything a reader will appreciate in a book.

Witty comebacks.
Wicked humor.
Mesmerizing romance.
Outstanding characters.
Unique storyline.

Lost in Tennessee by Anita DeVito receives INFINITY of stars, because one can only get lost in this novel and will never want to return from it.

View all my reviews

The book is currently available for Pre-Order on Amazon!!! Hurry Up & Grab it!!
I received it via NetGalley from the publisher for an honest review, and I'm so freaking glad I did!!!!!

Monday, September 7, 2015


Lost Heartbeats (Alexander & Maya, #2)Lost Heartbeats by Ella Maise
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a beautiful and emotional story this is.

I loved Lost Prelude, the first book in the series, and I couldn’t wait for the author to write the next one.

And Ella Maise does not disappoint.

Lost Heartbeats is not an intensified version of Lost Prelude. That would be me undermining the first book. They are both emotional, intense, and. . .

This series is simply one of my favorites and one of the best I’ve read.

Alexander and Maya’s story is a truly beautiful one and one exceptionally written.

Ella Maise has delivered a magnificent love-story that goes beyond romance. It speaks of an epic love that goes beyond borders, beyond grief, and beyond everything, even themselves.

As an avid reader, both you and I know there are thousands of other books, especially romance and even erotica. BUT THIS STORY is worth-reading. THIS STORY must be read.

Alexander and Maya’s relationship survives one storm after the other. Both of them are struggling with grief, which does a comeback and almost brings them to their knees.

One of the many things I loved about this book is that both of them hold on to each other. They fight for each other. And they empower each other. When Alexander is down, Maya brings light back to his heart. When Maya is in the dark, Alexander does not give up. He stays and fights. He doesn’t let go.

They have this magnetizing bond that is indescribable. It has a life of its own that leaves the pages and become something more.

The author’s writing is beautiful, with quality, and the books reflect that. Each book is remarkable and gives you that extra-something that makes you connect with the characters. That makes you care.

This isn’t a simple story with steamy scenes. This is an epic love-story that has it all. Love. Laughter. Tears. Drama. Grief. Hope.

If you haven’t read this series yet, I strongly recommend it from the bottom of my heart.

It’s an outstanding series, and it’s only the beginning for the author.

Congratulations to the author for this one! It couldn’t be better! And I couldn’t love it any more than I do.

LOST HEARTBEATS receives 5 AMAZING STARS, because it just is exceptional.

Did you see that cover? Oh my...

****Buy the book on Amazon ****

View all my reviews


London Bound (London Lovers Series, #3)London Bound by Amy Daws
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

London Bound is a delightful, deliriously funny, and sexy novel.

It’s one of those books you will re-read for those funny as hell lines and those extra-spicy scenes.

I loved the fact that the characters had a solid background behind them. That they had depth.

I also enjoyed how different it was. From Theo’s glasses to the ridiculous cleanse. Even their jobs were original. I am a sucker for originality, and this book had it in spades! London Bound has one of the most original and unique stories I’ve ever read, and I loved the book for it!

It’s a great read, but it could be really-really great.

The characters had solid backgrounds and tragic pasts. We delved into serious matters, like grief and abuse, but I felt like we focused more on Theo’s past and we didn’t give the attention Leslie’s past had. She has serious confidence issues due to her family, and it was painfully clear from the beginning and throughout the book. There were few scenes where she crumbled and emotions ran high. But I wanted more. I needed more depth, more attention not only to what happened to her, but also the consequences it had on her. Her confidence issues stem from somewhere, and I felt we just didn’t touch the core of her problems. Serious incidents leave an impact on us, and not just on our behavior toward others. It affects how we see ourselves. We didn’t touch that aspect. The book concentrated more on Theo’s past, and to be honest, it was little more tragic. And I loved how the author approached it. I loved Leslie’s responses. So I expected something similarly great to be applied to Leslie’s situation. And I didn’t see it.

Also, there were parts in the book that could be cut. Parts that didn’t contribute to the depth of the story. In my opinion, always. They were entertaining, but when something significant is missing entertaining parts come second.

However, London Bound is a pure delight. I laughed my ass off. It’s definitely one of the most amusing books I’ve ever read.

I will definitely re-read it. I actually re-read some of the best scenes, right before writing this review. I couldn’t help myself.

It combined seriousness with humor. Love with sexy scenes in a spectacular package.

It’s original. Sexy. Adorable. Funny. A must-read!

I certainly recommend this one!! I can’t wait to read more from this author. I have a good feeling about her!

London Bound receives 4.5 Gorgeous Stars!!!

*** You can buy it on Amazon!!***

View all my reviews

Tuesday, August 4, 2015



Evelyn Banks is her own worst enemy… 

A recovering alcoholic, the key to Evelyn’s continuing sobriety is to remain focused and controlled. She finally has her life on track with a new job at a law firm, but her world is shaken when she meets the firm’s gorgeous, charming, dominant CEO. 

Wade Parks asks for only one thing—to be obeyed… 

Wade’s perfect world is one of discipline and obedience. When he encounters his firm’s new employee, he begins a cat-and-mouse game in his pursuit of the feisty and independent Evelyn, determined to break through her cold demeanor and give her the discipline he’s sure she craves. 

Evelyn is willing to submit to his dominance, 
but her emotions are another matter… 

Both of Evelyn’s parents were addicts, incapable of giving her the slightest bit of affection, and she’s not equipped to deal with the rush of powerful emotions her relationship with Mr. Parks unleashes. So she turns to the only solace she knows—numbing her feelings with alcohol. 

He sees past Evelyn’s flaws, but some secrets hit too close to home… 

Just as Evelyn’s heart begins to thaw, Mr. Parks is reminded of his own troubled upbringing and he pulls away, leaving her feeling abandoned. 

But another very real danger is lurking, and Evelyn might be very wrong about the source of the threat… 
Can she be saved by denying Mr. Parks? 

Or is submitting to him the only way to save them both?

Buy Links: Amazon US  |  Amazon UK  |  Amazon CA  |  Amazon AU



“Name?” he asked with a one-sided smirk, his tone a little steely. 
“Evelyn Banks. Mr. Parks, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” I don’t know why I used my full name. I hated it. And it wasn’t a pleasure to meet him. I was lying. I then noticed my hand still in midair whilst he waited for me to take his. “Sorry,” I murmured, almost feeling light-headed. He took my hand in a firm grasp, and I almost immediately wanted to let go when my heart tremored unusually. I tried to ignore it. Probably indigestion. Parks held on to my hand as I tried to pull it free. Strangely he didn’t want to let me go. He gave me no choice but to yank it away forcefully. Maybe it was just my imagination. His remarkable eyes didn’t blink as he watched me. Jesus, he owned my gaze by engaging it and keeping it locked. 
“Evelyn.” He said my name slowly, toying with it as he rolled it off his tongue. He was a man who knew full well that women who gazed at his face would stagger back with their mouths hanging open. My mouth was firmly shut. Only just. I looked away in fear of getting sucked in and automatically decided he was as a narcissistic, egocentric, arrogant arse. Yes. That summed him up quite nicely. Carla, however, was spitting feathers. 
“Okay, Evey.” She impolitely shooed me away like I was a dog. “You can go now. I am simply introducing my employees. Nothing more.” If I was a dog, I’d wrap my leash right around her scrawny little neck. I went to turn on my heel, but Parks’s commanding tone halted me. 
“I would like Evelyn to stay a moment. Would you please, Miss Hammond?” With his hand, he gracefully gestured for Carla to leave. 
“Oh?” Thoroughly confounded, she tried to frown, but too much Botox wouldn’t allow it. “I mean, of course.” Carla was devastated and didn’t hide it. She kept looking at me like I was deranged before shutting the door in quite a daze. I began to panic a little, thinking he was going to fire me on the spot. 
“Excuse me one moment.” He turned and causally took a glass to his lips and drank down what looked like watermelon juice. I crossed my arms unconsciously whilst I waited, only to be reminded of how buxom my breasts were when I caught Parks staring at them almost carnally. I uncrossed my arms quickly, and an amused, salacious smirk tugged at the corners of his delicious mouth as his lips pressed against the rim of the glass. Even if he did look like he was put on earth by God and was the founder of the company, I was not going to hold my tongue. He was staring at my breasts, for Christ’s sake. 
“You know, it’s extremely inappropriate to shoot lustful stares towards an employee.” I had already said it in a manner that was meant to offend. And if he hadn’t looked at me that way and I’d just imagined it, I indeed was going to look a twat. Parks stood with his back to the floor-to-ceiling windows with the London Eye behind him. His intense eyes glistened with hilarity as he spoke calmly, oozing confidence. 
“You know, it’s extremely inappropriate to cross your arms, accentuating voluptuous, perfect tits like that in front of the CEO.” 
That was when my mouth fell open.


About the author:

British Author Lilly James is a woman with a wild imagination that has to be set free into the arms of a keyboard.

Writing gives Lilly that chance to escape the real world and live in a world of fantasy with her characters.

When she’s not writing you’ll find her singing terribly to music, curled up with her kindle, or doing something boring like everyday chores that unfortunately need attention.

Lilly lives in Wales, is a mother of one beautiful little girl, and loves reading, chocolate and wine. All in that order.

Social Links:  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads  |  Amazon


Brought to you by Mia

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Title: The Allure of Julian Lefray
Author: R.S. Grey
Release Date: June 29, 2015

Subject: Justin Timberlake Nudes!

Lily, you predictable perv. I knew you’d open this email faster if I tempted you with a glimpse of JT's “PP”. Well, put your pants back on and grab some bubbly because I have much better news to share.


As of tomorrow, I’ll be the new executive assistant at Lorena Lefray Designs. I am SO excited, but there’s one itty bitty problem: I won’t be Lorena’s assistant. I’ll be working for her older brother, Julian.

I know what you're thinking- "But Jo, what’s the problem?"

Google him. Now. He’s the man in the fitted navy suit whose face reminds you that there’s hope yet for this cruel, ugly world. Keep scrolling…Do you see those dimples? Yup. That’s the Julian Lefray I will be reporting to tomorrow morning.

Lord, help us all...



R.S. Grey is the go-to author if you like Romance and Comedy! She’s so funny that makes every ordinary situation hilarious!!

I can honestly say that I would not hesitate to buy any novel from this author. In fact, I wouldn’t need to read the blurb. She’s that good! And funny. Did I mention that?

I adore this woman! She has impeccably tasteful humor and she never fails to make me fall in love with her personality, her characters and her entire book.

The Allure of Julian Lefray.


Talk about a title?! Even seeing the title could be the sole reason of buying this book. And the blurb? Her quirky, BFF-ish email? Yeah, that’s what seals the deal!! Other than the author’s name, of course!

I am swooning at the moment, while remembering Julian...He’s just so *alluring*, enthralling and absolutely God-like!! And Josephine? Jeez, that girl is a spitfire! Oops, I forgot...Story Evaluation comes first, characters are next…

The story is beautiful and fairytale-ish but still manages to hold on tight to reality. It’s an inspiring story for me, because we saw a girl from a small town -I’m from a small country- fighting for her dream with all her might, despite the fact that everyone expected her to fail, and she succeeded beyond expectations. It’s a sweet story that makes everyone dream and believe in those dreams.

It’s a hopeful novel that brightened my night and quite a few others, since I will be definitely re-reading it!!

Josephine is my new idol. Really. The way she fought for herself and her dreams...The way she kept on going when things were much harder than hard...A true lady with a heart and a brain! What’s not to love about this woman?

Julian is oh-my-God-why-aren’t-these-men-real kinda guy. He is everything every woman wants. I am in lust and love with him!!

What I loved the most about R.S. Grey’s writing and story, in general, was that she chose Julian not to be an overbearing alpha male. Yeah, he had his tantrums -thank you for that. But he never pressured Josephine, he never lavished her with gifts and threw his money in her life. He knew she needed money, but never crossed that line. He let her be. He let her grow. He let her do this her way. He embraced her independence and never thought to invade it and change it. He was there for her in the way that it mattered. He listened to her, helped her, supported her but never pushed her. I loved this fact and I loved the author even more for writing Julian like this.

The Allure of Julian Lefray will definitely become one of the most re-read books on my kindle and I am proud of it!!!

Thank you, R.S. Grey, for trusting my blog with an ARC!

The Allure of Julian Lefray receives 5 Amazing Stars, because laughter is as important as drama is, as well as the respective authors. Very well done, dear author, who delivered one more great novel!

I am a lover of books, chocolate, reality TV, black labs, and cold weather. Seriously, if I had it my way, I would be curled up on the couch with all of those things... everyday.

I live in Texas where I spend my free time writing and reading. My favorite authors include Mindy Kaling & Jonathan Safran Foer. I'm a comedy geek and love all things "funny". Women like Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Mindy Kaling are definitely the biggest inspirations for my writing, though I think my work tends to skew a bit smuttier than theirs.


Title: Dash (The Novel)
Author: Shantel Tessier
Genre: Sports Romance
Release Date: June 30, 2015

I’ve never been one to follow the rules…or the law, for that matter. But when you find yourself behind bars and being offered the opportunity of a lifetime, you take it. I agreed to race motorcycles for Johnny Knight. A very powerful man who wanted me on his team, even knowing I was a liability. 

But will he still feel that way once he finds out that I had a one-night stand with his daughter? I didn’t mean for it to happen. I didn’t even know who she was until she walked into his office wearing my shirt from the night before. Too bad that was all she wanted—one night. 

It didn’t really matter who she was, I wanted more. So when she ran, I followed. I should have let her go. That would have been best for both of us. But I have never done what was right, so why start now? I’ve always been willing to take a risk, no matter what it would cost me. And I knew she was worth it all.

I’m Erik Dashling; you can call me Dash.

This is my story of how I willingly risked one dream for another. 

But everyone knows that not all dreams come true.

This book killed me in the most beautiful way...

DASH is an amazing book with an indescribably beautiful story and amazing characters that will steal your heart.

It is very well-written and the characters couldn’t be greater than they already are.

Most of the time, when I have high expectations from the books, I end up disappointed or at the very least, the standards are not met.

Not in this case.

Shantel Tessier wrote an incredible book that should put her in the A-List, if she’s not already there! She turned a nice story into a breathtaking journey that readers will never forget. I know that, because I am one of you. I will never forget this book not just because of the excellent craft showed here, but because of its essence. Its core.

DASH is not just a romantic story. And it’s definitely not a regular sexy book. It’s a true novel that incorporates everything: romance, heat, suspense, drama and inspiration.

Finding a novel like this one is so rare. It’s so rare that it makes you question sometimes what we read, what others read and where literature is headed. DASH proves that it’s still here. Literature is still here and quality can be found.

I am telling you...DASH is a book you want to read. Not just as a reader. But as a person.

Shantel Tessier took the hard way in this book, obliterating the norms of today’s It-romance. She broke free and delivered a truly amazing novel that...I have no words.

DASH receives 5 Amazing Stars, because it is what it deserves. I feel honored to be part of this book’s journey to you, the readers, because I am part of an unforgettable story.

"There are some particularly difficult scenes in this book, all I can say is that they were superbly written, poetic even, Shantel outdone herself in the delivery of the climax to the story, shell shocked would be how I felt..." ~ Book Hooked Brit
“Be prepared to fall in love with Dash, to melt when he brings out his cocky smirks and his sexy promises.” ~ Rosarita Reader (iScream Books)
"Such an emotionally heart stopping book. Loved it!" ~ The Smutbrarians

His face starts to harden, and his gray eyes narrow as they search my face. He looks at me as if he just realizes what my night has consisted of. A physical fight with Rodger. Whereas, I’m sure he got drunk and laid.
I actually throw my head back and laugh out loud. I laugh so hard my body shakes, and it feels good. I lift my head and look up at him as he stares at me with those beautiful gray eyes. They look hard as I watch his eyes follow the line of the stitches that are on my face once again.
I throw my hand up as I continue to laugh. He frowns when I snort, and it makes me laugh even harder. “Sorry…” I try to calm my laughter; it makes my aching body hurt, but it feels so good to laugh. “But this is just too funny.”
“Your ex-boyfriend beating the shit out of you is funny?” he questions. “I don’t see how that can be funny.”
My laughter dies immediately. Instead of standing, I lean back against the bench and cross one leg over the other. His eyes quickly scan my bare legs, and I feel my body heat start to rise. No! Don’t go there, Tabatha. You regret ever sleeping with him, remember? “No, the fact that you keep showing up is what I think is funny. The fact that you think I wanna talk to you is funny.” Oh, good one. Make him buy it.
“You wanna talk about funny?” he asks raising his voice. “I have woken up to you running away. Not only once, but twice. What the hell is your problem?” I take a deep breath that makes my chest rise. Is he really gonna do this? “And why was Rodger there after I happen to leave?” Oh, he’s going all the way. “Huh? Did you call him to tell him how bad I hurt you?” My mouth drops open. “Did you ask him to come over and kiss your wounds?” he shouts.
I stand and shove my hands into his chest pushing him backward. “Don’t you dare accuse me of something you know nothing about,” I shout back. “You were the one who had just been drunk and with your ex moments before. And you kissed her.” I do air quotes around kissed. “Who knows what else you did with her.”
“I was just doing what your father told me to do. Get information,” he says matter-of-fact with a wave of his hand.
“Oh? And he told you to stick your tongue down her throat?” I demand.
“No. His exact words were to do whatever I had to do in order to get the information that we needed.”
“Lies.” I spin around giving him back for a second before I turn back to face him with my hands clenched down at my sides. “All you do is lie,” I yell.
“And all you do is run away,” he sneers in my face. “Not all of us are as heartless as you and can just turn our backs on others at any given moment.”
 I feel the tears start to sting my eyes, and I blink them away. He truly hates me now, but this is not the time to fall apart. After everything I’ve been through tonight, I can keep it together for just a little longer. I swallow the knot in my throat and lick my dry lips. “Well, you made it pretty damn easy,” I lie. He hasn’t made anything about us easy. It’s so damn hard to stand here and be a bitch to him. My legs are tired, and I would give anything for him to pick me up and hold me in his arms. But that ship has sailed. “But I sure as hell can’t stand the fact that you keep coming around.” Stay strong, Tabatha. Don’t apologize; you can’t take those words back now no matter how big of a lie it was.
I expect him to yell in my face for what I said. For him to shoot the hurtful words right back. But instead, his hard eyes look me up and down, and he snorts as he shakes his head. That hurts worse than any words could. He looked at me as if I was nothing.
He runs his hand through his shaggy brown hair and speaks. “Well, I’ll make something else easier for you. I quit.”

Shantel is a Texas born girl who now lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her high school sweetheart, who is a wonderful, supportive husband and their four year old little princess. She loves to spend time cuddled up on the couch with a good book

She has published five books in the Undescribable series and 2 books in the DASH series. She considers herself extremely lucky to get to be a stay at home wife and mother. Going to concerts and the movies are just a few of her favorite things to do. She hates coffee, but loves wine. She and her husband are both huge football fans, college and NFL. And she has to feed her high heel addiction by shopping for shoes weekly. 

Although she has a passion to write, her family is most important to her. She loves spending evenings at home with her husband and daughter, along with their two cats and dog.


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