Tuesday, February 3, 2015



Katherine Klein has been warned: Stay far away from Lance Walton. After one night in the country, the quintessential city girl has the unwanted attention of the infamous country boy. For months, she’s been dodging his advances, but a moment of weakness changes everything.

Lance Walton felt immediately drawn to Katherine from the moment she knocked on his best friend’s door Christmas morning. Winning over this city girl is a mountain of a task for any country boy, but Lance is up to the challenge. He never expected the morning he left her naked at The Inn would be the last time he would see her.

In the aftermath of her bad decisions, Katherine returns to the city. Haunted by what they shared and all she lost, she vows to never return to the country. But the country finds her unexpectedly when Lance shows up in the most unlikely place. 

But does he have the country boy charm to break through the walls of her heart and outshine the big city competition?

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“Need a refill?”
            Her eyes shot over to me. I smiled holding out another glass for her. She didn’t appear to be drunk by any means. Something told me that this girl could hold her liquor. Her hand reached out, taking the glass from my grip. When our fingers touched, I knew. I knew she couldn’t deny what was happening between us. There was something definitely happening between us; something that had never happened before … except for once. I turned my head and found my pregnant ex-girlfriend on the lap of my best friend a few tables down. My heart hurt, I could admit that. But seeing two people I truly loved being undeniably happy made it all worth it. I gave them hell and I wished I hadn’t, but things were right with the world now. I was happy enough for them.
            “Would you like to sit?”
            Yep. Things were right with the world now.
            I sat down next to Katherine in a wooden folding chair. The distance was too great, so I adjusted my chair, becoming almost flush with hers. I draped my arm around her and rested it on the back of the chair. I stared out over the dance floor and could feel her eyes question my arm around her. She would just have to get used to it. I planned on touching a lot more than just her shoulder.
            “So, what has you all mopey?” I asked as I continued to watch Jordan and Tom’s first dance.
            “I’m not mopey,” she shot back, proving that she was in fact mopey.
            “Says the girl who already downed a bottle of champagne before the first dance is over.” I glanced at her, and her eyes fell on me. In that moment, I knew why she was upset. I looked at Jordan and Tom dancing and then back at Katherine. I squeezed her into a half-ass hug and said, “Think of it this way, beautiful. You didn’t lose a friend. You gained me.”
            She laughed while elbowing me in the stomach, and said, “I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.”
            Katherine continued to laugh until she caught my eye. I leaned in close to her, slowly brushing my nose against her cheek until my lips reached her ear. The breath caught in her throat.
            “I’ll prove to you how good it can be.”


Hornet’s nest is such a refreshing story!!

It’s always the girl who changes her ways to fit the guy in some way. Here, the man -and oh my, what a man- grows and acts in order to win and keep the girl forever.

I loved how relaxed I felt while reading it!
No major drama! Great Sexy scenes! Funny dialogues! Karma in its greatest!

It was a truly refreshing and light novel that I enjoyed!

However, it also felt like something was missing. It was good from the beginning to the end, but it didn’t have that highlight that makes your heart stop beating.

Plus, I didn’t quite grasp how Lance reacted to some situations. I was like ‘That’s it?’. I felt like his actions were rushed so that we don’t get to dwell on those situations and keep the story going. The thing is that I did want and need to dwell a little bit.

I liked the characters very much!! Katherine was a good example of a modern woman, with her strong and weak moments. I found her very real and I loved that! Lance was so misunderstood it was almost laughable, if Katherine weren’t so hurt.

It was a different story, with great characters and nice writing!

What I loved the most was their bond. No matter what Lance had or had not done, their bond couldn’t break. It was like karma and fate were fighting each other. I didn’t understand it at first, but I got it later.

If two people really love each other, nothing can get between them.

That’s what this book is all about. Love conquers all………….

So, Hornet’s Nest receives 4 Gorgeous Stars!!

The Series:


   Book #1 Watching Fireflies
Barnes & Noble:  http://bit.ly/XyYp7l

Book #2 Dragonfly Awakening

Barnes & Noble: http://goo.gl/dSs0va 

About the author:

Jaycee Ford grew up chasing street cars around the city of New Orleans. After doing a four year stint at Louisiana State University, she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and fled for the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. New Orleans beckoned her home again where she put her love of the foothills into a series of romance novels. In between writing, she’s found behind her desk at a top rated law firm … or still chasing street cars.

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