Wednesday, January 28, 2015



Adult Contemporary Rockstar Romance
Release: January 28, 2015


“You have the ability to make controversial characters sympathetic. Maybe I just want to be understood.”

Acclaimed literary biographer Elizabeth Winston writes about long-dead heroes. So bad boy rock icon Zander Freedman couldn’t possibly tempt her to write his memoir. Except the man is a mass of fascinating contradictions - manipulative, honest, gifted, charismatic, morally ambiguous.

In short, everything she sought in a biography subject. When in her life will she get another chance to work with a living legend? But saying yes to one temptation soon leads to another.

Suddenly she’s having heated fantasies about her subject, fantasies this blue-eyed-devil is only too willing to stoke. She’d thought self-control was in her DNA, after all she grew up a minister’s daughter. She thought wrong.

Outside your comfort zone is the only place worth living...

Zander Freedman has been an outlier - many would say an outcast – for most of his life. But there’s no disaster he can’t overcome, from the break-up of his band to the fall-out on his reputation. His Resurrection Tour is shaping up to be his greatest triumph - if his golden voice holds out. Contracting a respected biographer is simply about creating more buzz; Elizabeth's integrity the key to consolidating his legacy as one of rock’s greats.

All the damn woman has to do is write down what he tells her. Not make him think.

Or encourage the good guy struggling to get out. And certainly not to fall in love for the first time in his life.

Turns out he is scared of something - being known.

Rise - a redemption story of a rock star going straight(er) through the love of a good(ish) woman.

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Guest Post:

Turning a bad boy into a romance hero
By Karina Bliss

Zander Freedman, the rock star hero of Rise, has been a minor character in three previous books. I wrote him as vain, selfish and egotistical, a neglectful son, bad brother and lousy boyfriend. And yet readers loved this guy and wanted his story, possibly because of his few attractive qualities - unflinching honesty, intelligence and a keen sense of irony.

One of my biggest challenges in finding ‘the hero-within’ was Zander’s reputation for vanity. How is a reader going to fall in love with a guy rumoured to have had everything from Botox and tattooed eyeliner to hair implants?

In one scene, I had the heroine’s family voice every Yuck the reader would have around a guy with a ‘beauty’ regime. And then fall over themselves when they thought Zander was visiting. Because the guy’s still a rock god, still extraordinary. And it’s too easy to criticize a stranger. In effect, I'm asking the reader to keep an open mind.

Given that Zander is smart and ambitious it also made sense that he would deliberately exaggerate his vanity for the press. Any publicity is good publicity when this showman is promoting the band’s tour. He also takes a pragmatist’s view of maintaining his looks; keeping in shape is simply a part of his job as Rage’s frontman. And finally, I made him supremely confident in his masculinity. At one point he even says, “A real man should be able to seduce a woman in a tutu and a tiara…Actually that would be fun.”

Most importantly, I gave Zander the vulnerability attached to being a beautiful person. Women date me because of the way I look. What will happen if I stop these treatments? Who will love me as I age? The Beauty, as well as the Beast, is judged on appearances.

Of course that’s just one aspect of the reinvention of Zander Freedman. Hopefully, I’ve intrigued you enough to read about his moral make-over.

Do you have a favorite bad-boy hero? Enter the Release Giveaway and go into the draw for an e-book of Rise.

About the Author:

New Zealander Karina Bliss’s debut, Mr Imperfect, won a Romantic Book of the Year award in Australia, the first of eleven books published through Harlequin SuperRomance. Her most recent release, A Prior Engagement, was a Desert Island Keeper at Her next release, Rise, is a single title, self-published contemporary which continues the story of Zander Freedman, who first appeared as a villain inKarina’s bestselling title, What the Librarian Did – a book that made DearAuthor’s Best of the Year list in 2010.Two of Karina’s books have also featured in Sizzling Book Chats at SmartBitchesTrashyBooks.

Find out more at


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Title:    He’s Captured My Heart
Author:    Karen Frances
Genre:   Contemporary Romance
Release Day:    January 28, 2015


Like any dutiful Scottish daughter, Libby Stewart puts her family first. She’s spent months helping her brother, a single father, care for his new daughter. The strain of her family commitments led to the painful demise of a two-year relationship. As Libby nurses her broken heart and relishes time with her niece, her father offers her a job managing his hotel. She’s ready to focus on her career and get her life back on track.

Alexander Mathews, a handsome American businessman who is staying at the hotel, has other plans for Libby. She’s taken aback when she meets Alex. He strikes her as arrogant and domineering, but regardless, the sexual tension between them is palpable. Libby fancies herself a good girl, but Alex quickly seduces her. Libby finds she is soon addicted to the passion she feels in Alex’s skillful hands.

Libby has never been so confused. Who is Alex Mathews, really? An international playboy, or truly the man of her dreams? When a confrontation with her ex-boyfriend turns violent and she questions Alex’s loyalty to her, Libby must decide if she wants to let this charismatic stranger from across the pond truly capture her heart.

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Our last stop is at the water’s edge. As the water splashes against the pebbles, I notice a seaplane has just landed at the jetty, and an excited couple is about to go for a tour. There’s no better way to see the loch than a bird’s-eye view from the sky. From up there you see the real majesty of the vast loch and surrounding highlands. From the sky the hotel glistens like a jewel against the unspoilt water’s edge.
“I love this view,” I say, looking over my shoulder at Alex, who’s standing just behind me. “Don’t think I’ll ever get tired of looking at it.” The water is still and has a calming effect on me.
“I have to admit that I don’t think I will either, although I think my point of view is especially spectacular,” he says with a smile so full of promises. He slips his left hand round my waist and places small kisses on the nape of my neck, which sends shock waves through my body.
“Libby, I’m going to turn you around and kiss you. I am warning you to give you a chance to say no. I’d rather not be slapped again.” Alex slowly turns me to face him, and all I see is a wanting look in his eyes. My breathing has altered, picked up pace, and my heart is racing. I do want this.
“Well, what are you waiting for then?” I whisper in invitation.
That’s all it takes. One hand is still on my waist. The other reaches up to my chin and tilts my face, so I am watching as his face comes closer. His soft, wet lips meet mine, and they taste so sweet. And before I know it, I’m kissing him back.
When we eventually pull ourselves apart, all I can do is sigh. He still has one arm held firmly round my waist. I notice his smile. What a beautiful smile it is.
“I hope that makes up for my mistake earlier today?”
“It certainly does. But as you recall, I already accepted your apology hours ago,” I say, smiling back at him.

About the author:   

I live just outside Glasgow, Scotland with my husband of seventeen years and our, sometimes delightful, five children. My busy days include helping my husband manage the family business, while the kids take up the majority of the time, schools runs, parties and all the various sports clubs they attend. I find escape from the chaos of everyday life in good books, particularly stories of passionate romantic relationships.  Let’s face it we all dream of the happily ever after’s.
For as far back as I can remember I have devoted my time to my family and for that I wouldn’t change a thing, but whilst thinking what I wanted to do for me, I had this niggling feeling to write, but pushed it to the back of my mind, for a good few months. Several months later and it was still there along with the names Elizabeth and Alexander, so thought I have nothing to lose so why not give it a go. Never in a million years when I started writing He’s Captured My Heart, a tale of contemporary erotic romance set in Scotland, did I think I would actually finish it, never mind do anything with it. 

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We can't wait to share this Release Day Launch for Kristen Proby's FALLING FOR JILLIAN with you! FALLING FOR JILLIAN is an erotic contemporary romance and the third book in the bestselling Love Under the Big Sky Series, published by Pocket Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. Check out this amazing book below and grab your copy today!

From New York Times bestselling author Kristen Proby comes the third romance in the Love Under the Big Sky series, featuring a veteran struggling with PTSD and the one woman who can help him recover—and learn to love again. 

Jillian thought she was a city girl through and through; the fast cars, high fashion, and glamour—she loves it all. But when her ex tells her he’s having a baby with his new wife (after Jillian struggled for years to get pregnant), she hightails it back to Montana to cry on the shoulder of her best friend, Cara. 

But in truth, Jillian would rather be comforted by someone else…specifically Zack, Cara’s brother-in-law. 

Zack is a veteran of the Iraq War who came back to the family ranch to raise his preteen son after the boy’s mother took off. He’s struggling to re-establish a relationship with his son, and warding off the demons of PTSD, which still haunt him. 

The last thing he needs is bold, brassy Jillian…but why can’t he keep his hands off her?

Add it to your TBR on Goodreads!!

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Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Booksamillion | Indiebound | iBooks

Where does anyone begin in a review regarding Kristen Proby’s work?
I am always at a loss of words.

Kristen has this magical ability to write such amazing and true love stories that no words can describe.

The With Me Books are part of an epic series that cannot be compared with any other romance series. The Love Under the Big Sky Series is truly magnificent and every book is a masterpiece.

The most amazing part of Kristen’s books is her characters. You love them all. It’s unavoidable. You love every Montgomery man and woman, as you love every King guy. Her men are sexy, overprotective and pure alpha males, with a fierce heart, pure love and raw passion. Her women are true heroines, with a witty mind, a golden heart and infinite strength.

Specifically for Falling for Jillian………………….

Zack is such a strong guy. He has seen so many tragedies in his life. He has lived through so much that even sounds unbearable.  But he is a good man and a good father.

Jillian has also lived through her own personal hell. She was raised in a way that no child should ever have to experience. But, she’s still a sweet, kind person with so much love inside of her.

Zack and Jillian are survivors. They are strong people, who met hell and crossed to the other side. They have love and kindness to spread to those around themselves and they’re not shadows of themselves. Hell did not win. They did on their own ways.

I loved this book, as I loved every book from this series. I may have a soft spot for Cara and Josh, but Zack and Jilly have also claimed a part of me.

I highly recommend this book, as well as the entire Love Under the Big Sky Series.

I am huge fan of Kristen Proby, simply because I haven’t read a book of hers and not adored it. She’s definitely one of my go-to authors. 
I don’t even need to read the synopsis, before I grab a Kristen Proby book.

She’s a classic and her series are epic.
Falling for Jillian could only ever receive 5 Amazing Stars!!

FFJ Teaser

And don’t forget to read the first book in the Love Under the Big Sky Series…

Loving Cara



 “Okay, plug them in.” I run to the porch and plug in the lights, then run back into the front yard to see them. “Oh, they’re so pretty!” “Thank God they all work,” he says as he tosses the black shoe down to the ground and then moves carefully down to the ladder. “It would be a bitch to have to take them back down.” 

 “I checked them,” I assure him, and when his foot finally lands safely on the snow and he turns to me, I hit him on the arm. “You shouldn’t have done that! You took ten years off my life!” I throw my arms around his torso and squeeze him tightly, then back away. “No, you shouldn’t have been on that ladder. If I catch you on one again, I’ll spank your ass until it glows.” 

My jaw drops as I gaze up into his frustrated face. For once in my life, I’m speechless. I scowl as I pull myself together and clench my fists. “You wouldn’t dare . . .” “Put yourself in danger again and see if I don’t,” he replies calmly and crosses his arms over his chest. 

 “Did you come here to bully me?” He sighs and pulls his beanie off his head, pushing his fingers through the messy brown strands. I want to sink my fingers in that thick, dark hair. “No. I came because you won’t answer your fucking phone so I can apologize for the other night.” 

 “I don’t want your apology,” I reply and throw the extra lights and staple gun back into the tote and turn away, but he catches my arm and turns me back to him, takes the tote, and sets it down. “I’m going to give it anyway.” His jaw is firm. 

“I had no right to kiss you like that in the parking lot for everyone to see.” I jerk back, mortified. “You’re apologizing for kissing me?”  

FFJ Available Now  


About Kristen Proby:

Author pic_Montana    New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Kristen Proby is the author of the bestselling With Me In Seattle and Love Under the Big Sky series. She has a passion for a good love story and strong, humorous characters with a strong sense of loyalty and family. Her men are the alpha type; fiercely protective and a bit bossy, and her ladies are fun, strong, and not afraid to stand up for themselves. Kristen lives in Montana, where she enjoys coffee, chocolate and sunshine. And naps.      

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Falling for Jillian Cover


Title: The Billionaire Bargain Part 1
Series: The Billionaire Bargain #1
Author: Lila Monroe
 Release Date: January 22, 2015


Sexy Australian billionaire Grant Devlin is ruining my life. He exercises shirtless in his office, is notorious for his lunchtime nooners, he even yawns sexily. If I didn't need this job so bad, I'd take his black Amex and tell him where to swipe it.

He doesn't even know I exist, but why would he? He jets off to Paris with supermodels, I spend Friday nights with Netflix and a chunk of Pepperidge Farm frozen cake—waiting for his call. Because every time he crashes his yacht, or blows $500k on a single roulette spin in Monte Carlo, I’m the PR girl who has to clean up his mess.

But this time, it’s going to take more than just a fat charity donation. This time, the whole company is on the line. He needs to show investors that he’s settling down, and Step #1 is pretending to date a nice, stable girl until people forget about what happened with the Playboy Bunnies backstage at the Oscars.

My plan is perfect, except for one thing:

He picks me.

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What a fun short novel this is!!

Lacey’s lines are unforgettable and her way of thinking is just adorable!

And Grant’s reactions are superb!

Lacey is so witty and fun, but her ethics is the most memorable thing about her. Or, the way she represents and advocates for ethics is. Yeah. probably the second part. No one scolds you like Lacey does. That’s for sure. She’d make a serial killer pause with those witty and snarky comments of hers.

Grant is the example of the golden rule “Not everything is what it seems.”. He isn’t just that playboy who has brought his company’s image to the ground. He has a different way of acting upon his intentions. He’s a good guy and he’s actually really smart. And like Lacey said, he’s a fine specimen of a man…

The story may not be the most original one, but Lacey’s comments and Grant’s mystery makes this series stand out.

The Billionaire Bargain is both a fun and funny read. It’s light and sexy, both in that delicious, sinful way and that smart kind of sexy!

I really loved it and I can’t wait to read the other 2 parts!! They can’t come fast enough!

So, Congrats to Lila Monroe for this funny and smart book!!

The Billionaire Bargain receives 5 Amazing Stars!!

Billionaires' Party

Come and celebrate the release of The Billionaire Bargain: Part 2

from 7pm PST

Special guests include:

Clare Contreras, Ella James,
Monica Murphy, Laurelin Paige,
Roxy Sloane, Melanie Marchande
Emily Snow and Lila Monroe

Author Bio

Combining her love of writing, sex and well-fitted suits, Lila Monroe wrote The Billionaire Bargain. Lila enjoys writing, as it gives her a flexible schedule to spend time with her kids and a wonderful excuse to avoid them. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, who strips out of his well-fitted suits nightly.

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Congrats & Happy Release to Jen Frederick & Jessica Clare! 
Last Hit: Reloaded is LIVE! 
Nickolai & Daisy’s Story continues...


There was a time when Nick loved the fear he instilled in his enemies. His tattoos alone promised danger, but it was the look in his eyes that delivered on it. A contract killer since he was just a boy, Nick has now forged a new life and a new identity with the woman who followed him, captured him, and changed him.

He terrified Daisy. Once. But she couldn't resist, and she ignored every warning. It paid off. Now she's part of a new beginning, a fresh start in America helping him to leave behind a reckless and violent past as a professional killer. But the past is never easy to outrun, especially when so much of it thrives on revenge.

A new threat has emerged from the shadows, and now Nick and Daisy have no choice but to rely on Nick's killer skills to protect them from everything they've tried so hard to escape.  

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 Hitman Series Reading Order:

Last Hit (#1)
 Amazon US  |   Amazon UK

Last Breath (#2)

Last Kiss (#3)

About the authors:

Author Jen Frederick
Jen Frederick lives with her husband, child, and one rambunctious dog.  She's been reading stories all her life but never imagined writing one of her own. Jen loves to hear from readers so drop her a line at

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Author Jessica Claire
This is a pen name for Jill Myles.
Jill Myles has been an incurable romantic since childhood. She reads all the 'naughty parts' of books first, looks for a dirty joke in just about everything, and thinks to this day that the Little House on the Prairie books should have been steamier.

After devouring hundreds of paperback romances, mythology books, and archaeological tomes, she decided to write a few books of her own - stories with a wild adventure, sharp banter, and lots of super-sexy situations. She prefers her heroes alpha and half-dressed, her heroines witty, and she loves nothing more than watching them overcome adversity to fall into bed together.

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