However, when she meets Adam, she’s drawn to him in a way even she can’t deny. The film student is dark and brooding and strangely charming. He’s the perfect distraction from the mundane life she’s created for herself. And, as if fate is pushing them together, he seems to be around every corner. It’s enough to almost make her entirely forget about her past and take a chance.
Unfortunately, Adam’s memory isn’t hazy . . . not in the least. And, what she doesn’t remember, he can’t forget.
My Review:
Remembering Joy is such
an intriguing novel..It has mystery (lots of it) and romance and hotness…It has
it all…It’s so very different from other novels..It’s really unique!
Jenni proves her talent
in this one..Remembering Joy is a 5-star through and through..It exudes quality
and it entails a dramatic flair and through it all, love is born..The writing
is good and the story is flawless…
Let’s meet our characters..Shall we?
>>Alexis is a
strong, successful, hard-working independent woman who just survives every
day..That day in that accident she lost something valuable, something priceless
that she cannot fix..She doesn’t think of herself as a good woman who deserves happiness,
a loving man, a family..She works too hard, because that’s what she’s good at,
in her opinion..Then, she meets Adam who changes everything gradually..He
changes her entire world..He brings hope into her hopeless life..Until
everything changes again…
>>Adam is a
fiercely loyal man, who has been taken care of others from a young age..He has
lost something too..Something priceless..And that changed him..Losing that made
him angrier and full of hatred towards someone who caused him that pain..Then he
meets Allie again..Spending time with her could only lead him into falling in
love with her..And love is that always good for you?..He will have to figure it
out on his own..
Once Adam realized his
feelings, every plan he ever made took a dive into the Pacific..Nothing
mattered other than her..No one was significant enough besides her..He pursued
her relentlessly and he never stopped..
Adam being jealous is so
entertaining…xoxoxo…You have got to read these scenes again and again..It’s
very amusing! After all, Alexis is It for him…She has to make him suffer for
various reasons..
In conclusion, I
strongly recommend you to buy this book!! It’s really great..Actually,
everything about it is amazing…I couldn’t love it more than I already do!
Finding Joy is coming
out soon..You don’t want to miss it!..
As we got
closer to my building, a swarm of butterflies descended upon my stomach. By the
time we stepped into the elevator, the butterflies were flitting around at warp
speed, and as I unlocked my front door, my anxiety hit a fever pitch.
It wasn’t
that I was nervous to be around Adam. Despite the fact that I frequently
suffered from asthma attacks and heart murmurs when he was near, we were way
past nervousness. Having a guy lick syrup off your fingers while desecrating
his kitchen table will illicit a sense of familiarity, even if it is a false
No, my
anxiety was solely rooted in the fact that during my almost nine years in New
York City, I had never invited a guy into my apartment. Not one. Not even Ethan
had been invited into my inner sanctum.
apartment was my safe haven. It was the only place where I didn’t have to
pretend that I was a whole person. In this space, I wasn’t the pretty girl with
the perfect job made possible by an ivy-league education and a privileged
upbringing by perfectly doting parents. Instead, I was free to be the broken,
tired, lonely girl that I really was. In this place, it was okay that I wasn’t
allowed to want for more because what I already had took everything in me.
Inviting Adam into my apartment felt like inviting him into so much more.
I flipped on the light as he shut the door behind
us. The click of the door was probably just barely audible but caused me to
wince. This hadn’t been a good idea. I wasn’t sure that I could put on the show
here that came so easily everywhere else.
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